Waldman on Craft & Industry

Interested in a career in writing or breaking into football writing? I join Matt Harmon on his Backyard Banter Podcast to deliver my thoughts straight, no chaser.

Matt Harmon kicked off his new podcast on the people and stories of football writers and football writing with my pal Sigmund Bloom. The joke around social media is that new podcasts tend to have Bloom and me on as the initial guests to break in a show.

When I heard Bloom on the first episode, I couldn’t wait to be on as a guest because I knew I’d share a different perspective.

Personality-wise, Bloom & I have a bond, but we’re outwardly contrasting figures. If he’s more like Dumbledore then I’m more like Snape. If he’s Professor X  (then he’ll also have to a combo of X and Magneto, because he’s willing to throw some idea bombs to do it), then I’m more a Wolverine-individualist. .

If Bloom’s full personality were manifested on the world, he’d be a semi-benevolent cult leader. He’s philosophical, inspirational, and determined to inject his positive outlook onto the world. We share a lot of similar beliefs: Trust your intuition, be kind to people, try to be motivated to do things in life out of love, passion, and enjoyment, and be aware of the impact that you have on other people and how they have an impact on you in return.

The difference is that Bloom wants to create a revolution and appeal to people’s imagination while I just want the freedom to do my thing without hurting anyone. My brother was on Harmon’s show inspiring people about the broad strokes of being a public figure as a writer, analyst, and social media figure in fantasy sports. All important subjects.

I decided that wanted to focus on these things people considering about this spaces as individuals, as workers, and as a human beings who are trying to figure out their lane, develop their  own voice, work at their craft, and dealing with rejection, criticism, competition, jealousy/envy, and pressure to lose that voice and perspective that we’re all trying to cultivate.

Hopefully you’ll find the show entertaining or informative–maybe both. You can listen to it on Stitcher or iTunes.


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